News & Events
The Development of C3MECH: From Hydrogen Oxidation to Soot Formation
Release time:April 19, 2024

Topic: The Development of C3MECH: From Hydrogen Oxidation to Soot Formation

Speaker: Prof. Henry Curran, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)

Time: Monday, April 22, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

Venue: A415, Main Building, Shahe Campus


There is an increasing demand for kinetic models of surrogate components to predict the combustion and emissions of real fuels. In this talk, a new surrogate fuel mechanism, C3Mech, is proposed by the Computational Chemistry Consortium (C3). This mechanism is constructed based on a C0-C4 core mechanism, with important species of interest in complex fuel surrogates. This kinetic model consists of the latest chemistry subsets developed by the different partners in the context of the C3 effort. The proposed model is tested against a comprehensive set of experimental data for various fuels and blends over a wide range of temperatures, pressures, dilutions and equivalence ratios. Overall, the model shows good predictions for most of the experimental data. Due to the large size of C3Mech, a mechanism processing tool was developed to abstract species and reactions to generate any particular surrogate fuel and multi-fuel mechanisms of smaller size which can be used for preliminary mechanism reduction.

About the Speaker:

Prof. Henry Curran is a professor at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG); a founding member of the Irish Section of the Combustion Institute; a fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland and the Royal Society of Chemistry; and a member of the Royal Irish Academy, the Institution of Engineers Ireland, the American Society of Automotive Engineers, and the Society of Automotive Engineers. He is a leading international expert in combustion chemistry, and has published more than 300 SCI papers, which have been cited over 38,000 times on Google Scholar, with an H-index of 100. Thomson Reuters (now Clarivate) recognized him among the top 1% of researchers cited in his field yearly from 2014 to 2022.

Prof. Henry Curran also serves on editorial boards of journals including Proceedings of Combustion InstituteProgress in Energy and Combustion Science, and Combustion and Flame. He was awarded the Boyle Higgins Gold Medal for Chemistry by the Institute of Chemistry in Ireland in 2017 and the Yakov B. Zeldovich Gold Medal from the Combustion Institute in 2022.

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