Topic: Remote Sensing Image Processing for Earth Observation in Time Domain
Speaker: Dr. Xiuping Jia, The University of New South Wales
Time:10:00-11:00AM, January 9
Venue: B228, New Main Building
Multitemporal remote sensing image data sets are becoming widely available due to the improved revisit time, the increased satellite missions in operation, and the easier access in recent years. A time-series image set, for example, generated by a multispectral or hyperspectral sensor, can be formed for a specific geographic location. They have enabled the continuous monitoring the changes of land cover and land use, including vegetative phenology and ecological transition at a large spatial scale. The development of effective approaches for multitemporal data analysis is critical for information retrieval in the time domain. In this talk, Dr. Jia will present the research conducted by her group on multitemporal image processing. She will give an overview of the issues encountered, including image registration, cloud removal, and data fusion. The focus of her talk will be on the opportunities provided by the time-series images for data compression, super resolution reconstruction, and sequential classifier training.
Biography of the Speaker:
Xiuping Jia received the B. Eng. degree from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The University of New South Wales, Australia, in 1996. Since 1988, she has been with the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, where she is currently an Associate Professor. Her research interests include remote sensing, machine learning and spatial data analysis. Dr Jia has more than 200 publications, including over 100 papers in leading technical journals, which have been cited over 3,500 times with h-index of 31. She is the co-author of the remote sensing textbook titled Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis [Springer-Verlag, 3rd (1999) and 4th (2006) eds.]. She is a Subject Editor for the Journal of Soils and Sediments and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing since 2005.
Image Processing Center, School of Astronautics