News & Events
How to Write and Publish a Technical Paper in English
Release time:March 31, 2023

Topic: How to Write and Publish a Technical Paper in English

Speaker: Prof. Zhang Kang, The University of Texas at Dallas

Time: Sunday, April 2, 2023, 14:00-16:00

Venue: 2nd Lecture Hall, New Main Building (Live Streaming Platform: Tencent Meeting, Conference ID: 616-571-779)


Writing a proper technical paper in English is always a challenge for Chinese students. Good introduction (from an insider who has chaired many conferences and on editorial boards of several journals) to writing and guided practice would help students to quickly gain the writing skills. This talk introduces the basic requirements for proper styles and formats targeted at IEEE or ACM conferences and journals (for Computer Science and Software Engineering, but equally applicable to other engineering disciplines). The recent option of open publications will also be discussed. Most importantly, how to get a paper accepted and published? We will provide some real case studies: reasons for some rejected papers submitted to an IEEE conference will be analyzed based on reviewers’ comments. We will finally list several typical Chinese English phrases and suggest better usages.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Zhang Kang is currently an Honorary Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas, as well as the Acting Director and Professor of Computational Media and Arts at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He was also a Fulbright Distinguished Chair and an ACM Distinguished Speaker. He currently serves as Chairman of the Steering Committee of the VINCI International Conference, and as an editor of international journals such as Journal of Visual Language and ComputingInternational Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringJournal of Big Data, and Visual Computer. He has been invited to deliver keynote speeches at various international conferences in management science, computer science, art and design, and has served as chairman of several international conference committees. He has published eight monographs and over 130 international journal papers (covering nearly 50 different journals in fields such as computer science, information science, software engineering, psychology, architecture, art, and design) and over 160 international conference papers. Professor Zhang's main research areas include visual language, aesthetic computing and information visualization, generative art and design, etc.

School of Medical Science and Engineering
