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Beihang Signs Agreement with AVIC INTL to Build Talent Training Base
Release time:June 8, 2023 / Yao Zipeng

On May 31, Beihang University and AVIC International Holding Corporation (AVIC INTL) signed a talent training base agreement at Ruxin Conference Center. Cheng Baozhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of AVIC INTL, Lyu Weifeng, Vice President of Beihang University, and heads of related departments from AVIC INTL and Beihang University attended the ceremony. Jin Tian, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs of Beihang University, presided over the signing ceremony.

Lyu Weifeng introduced the basic situation of Beihang University in talent cultivation, discipline construction, scientific and technological innovation, and teaching staff. He said that Beihang University and AVIC INTL have always had a deep and solid foundation for cooperation. He hoped that both sides could take this signing as an opportunity and focus on the major strategic needs of China to further deepen cooperation, integrate resources, and innovate models in undergraduate classes, professional degree graduate training, and employment. Both sides will make efforts to accelerate the construction of a world-class aviation enterprise and world-class university and jointly contribute to the building of an aviation power.

Cheng Baozhong gave a detailed introduction to the company, including its development history and its specific cooperation with Beihang University in the construction of MBA classes, the establishment of scholarships and student employment. He pointed out that Beihang University and AVIC INTL have close cooperation in the field of talent training, and Beihang University continuously delivers a large number of outstanding talents to the company. At present, AVIC INTL is building a talent center and innovation hub, hoping that both sides will take the opportunity of jointly building a talent training base to further integrate the advantages of the resources and cultivate high-end talents.

Qian Zheng, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs of Beihang University, and Zhang Liwei, Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department and Organization Department of Party Committee of AVIC INTL, signed the agreement on behalf of Beihang University and AVIC INTL respectively. Lyu Weifeng, Cheng Baozhong, and other leaders jointly witnessed the signing.

Reported by Lei Yu

Reviewed by Qian Zheng

Edited by Jia Aiping

Translated by Yao Zipeng

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