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The 2024 Aeronautics and Astronautics Summer Camp Kicks Off
Release time:July 12, 2024 / Hu Xueyang

On the morning of July 8, the 2024 Aeronautics and Astronautics Summer Camp for College Students from Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan officially kicked off at the Ruxin Conference Center of Beihang University.

Attending the ceremony were Li Yunfeng, second-level researcher of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ji Xiaozhe, deputy director of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Liu Xiyao from the Taiwan Affairs Office of Beijing, Zhao Weisheng, vice president of Beihang University, Su Donglin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of the School of Electronic Information Engineering, relevant representatives from the Department of Academic Affairs,  the Graduate School, the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, the Department of Student Affairs, and the Communist Youth League Committee of Beihang University, as well as more than 70 people from 16 universitites such as the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic University, Macau University of Science and Technology, Tamkang University, Sun Yat-sen University, and Yuan Ze University. Weng Jingnong, director of the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of Beihang University, presided over the ceremony.

The opening ceremony began with the video “Beihang, I’m Coming!” made by Beihang participants in this camp, showing their sincere welcome to friends from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as all the participants' expectation of this camp.

Zhao Weisheng, on behalf of Beihang University, extended a warm welcome to the participating teachers and students. Since the first summer camp in 2009, the Aeronautics and Astronautics Summer Camp has been held for 15 years and 12 sessions, with a total of more than 1,100 students from Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan participating in it. He introduced Beihang’s achievements in aeronautics and astronautics in recent years, and hoped that the students can make good use of the summer camp as a valuable platform to master knowledge in study and gain friendship in exchanges.


Li Yunfeng noted that as the first institution of higher education in aeronautics and astronautics established after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, Beihang University has always served the cause of building a strong aviation and aerospace nation. With its distinctive features, the 2024 Aeronautics and Astronautics Summer Camp provides a good platform for young people from Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to learn scientific and technological knowledge in aerospace field and learn about the rapid development of aerospace industry on the spot.

Lin Xinyi from Beihang University, Chen Meiling from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Li Wenda from the University of Macau, and Huang Aizhi from Tamkang University delievered their speeches respectively, in which they all expressed their hope to conduct cultural exchanges with each other, to share similarities and differences and to make friends with like-minded people through this years’ summer camp.

Zhao Weisheng and Su Donglin presented the camp flag and souvenirs to the student representatives from Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and took group photos with them.

Following the ceremony, Su Donglin gave the first lecture with the theme of “Approaching Beihang to explore the mysterious world of electromagnetism”.  Around the magical world of electromagnetism and the mission and dedication of Beihang people in this field, she introduced the development history of Beihang University and the struggling spirits of generations of Beihang people to advance wave upon wave to serve the country. The lecture received a warm response from the audience.



In recent years, Beihang Univeristy has been cooperating closely with partner universities in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and has achieved a series of results in talent cultivation, faculty and student exchanges, and scientific research cooperation. In May this year, President Wang Yunpeng led a delegation to visit Hong Kong and Macao, and had in-depth exchanges and reached a number of consensus, furthering the cooperation partnership with universities in Hong Kong and Macao. 

With a seven-day duration, the summer camp prepares a series of unique activities such as aerospace report, model experience, visit to Airbus and other enterprises, and visit to Beijing’s special culture, aiming at promoting the popularity of aerospace knowledge and facilitating exchanges among young students from Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Since 2009, the Aeronautics and Astronautics Summer Camp has been held for 12 sessions in Beihang University. Over the past 15 years, more than 1,100 teachers and students from Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have participated in the programm. It has been widely reported by CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily Online, Voice of the Taiwan Strait and other media.

Written by: Lei Yiming

Reviewed by: Weng Jingnong

Edited by: Jia Aiping

Translated by: Hu Xueyang

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