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Invited Lecture by Professor Hanxing Zhu from Cardiff University
Release time:December 4, 2019

Speaker: Professor Hanxing Zhu, School of Engineering, Cardiff University

Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 2:00-6:00 pm

Location: F912, Main Building, Shahe Campus


Nature living materials are usually nano-structured hierarchical cellular materials, examples include wood, lungs and bones. Cellular materials/structures are widely used in many different areas from the massive nest structure of the Beijing Olympic stadium to nano-structured battery materials, from the light-weight space structures to underwater submarine structures, from military applications to bio-medical applications. The research of this presentation aims to obtain the size-dependent and tunable/controllable elastic and geometrical properties of different types of nano-structured hierarchical and self-similar regular and irregular 2D and 3D cellular materials. From the fundamental elasticity theory of composite materials, the number of independent elastic constants is determined for each of the typical cellular materials, then all these elastic constants are obtained for single level cellular materials and further for multi-level hierarchical cellular materials. In addition, their possible applications are explored.


Dr Zhu’s research fields include composite materials, cellular materials, biological and hierarchical materials, nano-materials, functional materials, fibrous materials, fatigue and fracture and light harvesting. He has authored/co-authored over 100 publications. Many of them are published in top mechanics journals (e.g., J. Mech. Phys. Solids; Int. J. Plasticity; J. Biomechanics), top materials journals (e.g., Advanced Materials; Acta Materialia; Carbon; 2D Materials) and top energy journals (e.g., Energy & Environ. Sci.; Renewable & Sustainable Engery Reviews). His research papers are cited over 2,850 times (Google Scholar) or 2,160 (Scopus), 2,000 times (SCI). His H-index is 24 (Google Scholar) or 23 (Scopus), or 22 (SCI). He is an editorial member of several international journals, e.g., Scientific Reports, lead Guest Editor of Advances in Condensed Matter Physics. He is a regular reviewer of papers for over 50 different prestigious international journals, including almost all the top solid mechanics journals and many top materials journals. He acted as an external PhD examiner for universities, e.g., Imperial College, Manchester University and Glasgow University.

School of Energy and Power Engineering
