Topic: Passive Vibration Control by Structural Modifications
Speaker: Prof. Huajiang Ouyang
Time: Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 13:00-17:00
Live Streaming Platform: Tencent Meeting
Meeting ID: 490 794 921
In the presentation, Prof Ouyang will introduce the basic concept of receptance and the idea of structural modifications to achieve passive vibration control. The goal is to assign frequencies, modes and nodes to real structures. Laboratory examples and real applications are used to demonstrate the use and the power of this method. All these real cases are work done by his Group of Dynamics and Control.
Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Huajiang Ouyang received his PhD degree in Structural Engineering from Dalian University of Technology. He is now a tenured Chair Professor in the School of Engineering at the University of Liverpool, where he also heads the Group of Dynamics and Control. He is a fellow of the British Physical Society, a member of the Higher Education Academy, and also a Cheung Kong Scholar in China. Professor Ouyang's main research areas are structural dynamics and control and structural parameter identification. He has published more than 270 journal articles and 111 conference papers in the field of friction-induced vibration, moving load dynamics, structural parameter identification, structural inverse modification and vibration energy harvesting.
School of Energy and Power Engineering