On September 14, Beihang’s 2020 freshmen wheeled suitcases full of their belongings into Beihang, getting ready for undergraduate enrollment.

The university has been well-prepared for greeting freshmen in advance, with voluntary services put on standby at airports, train stations, classrooms, canteens, dorms, etc.

Beihang’s transit buses stood by at different airports and train stations, poised for driving new students to the two campuses directly. At the check-in locations, shuttle buses were arranged to ferry students to their dormitories.

The new comers’ identity, health state, admission letter and “freshman campus pass” were checked before the students got enrolled and moved in.

Cao Shumin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beihang University, President Xu Huibin, Vice President Liu Shuchun, Vice President Huang Haijun, Zhao Gang, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and Cheng Bo, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee greeted freshmen in person at the two campuses and visited the students’ dorms and canteens.

A smart machine called “Xiao Pang”, which can identify the person and call out his or her name when the student scan his or her face upon the device, was used to greet new comers. Besides, a variety of interesting and innovative games and activities were organized, and bespoke T-shirts prepared by different schools were delivered to new arrivals.

At the Shahe campus, Xu Duo, the first receiver of Beihang’s undergraduate admission letter this year, has arrived early to get enrolled. “I’m looking forward to the upcoming four years in Beihang. I hope that I can make contribution to China’s aerospace development in the future through hard-working,” said Xu Duo.

As for the students with financial difficulties, the university has provided “green channel” services for these student, allowing them to postpone paying tuition fees and offering free “caring package” containing bedclothes and living supplies.

A total number of 3,843 students are admitted this year, among which 2,792 are science students, 226 are liberal arts student, 70 are arts students and 755 are students who have taken the reformed university entrance examination. The youngest freshman is only 15 years old.
The whole process of Beihang’s 2020 undergraduate freshmen enrollment was live-streamed on various online platforms such as Weibo, Tiktok, Kuaishou, Bilibili and yangshipin.cn.

Reported by Yuan Yihang
Photographed by Jin Hui, Zhou Xiaowu, Sun He, Yin Jiangxushan, etc.
Reviewed by Li Jianwei
Edited by Jia Aiping
Translated by Xiong Ting