The first council meeting of Beihang-AECC Research Institute of Aero-Engine and International School of Aero-Engine (hereinafter referred to as “the institute and the school”) took place at the Shahe Campus of Beihang University on the afternoon of June 12.
The attendees included 13 council members from Beihang, Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC), the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, etc. Experts in the fields of structural strength and reliability and advanced materials were also present. The council members and experts had a heated discussion about the development of the institute and the school, offering their guidance and advice.
The meeting was chaired by Academician Xu Huibin, President of Beihang and the council. It began with the review and approval of staff change, council charter and relevant regulations. Later on, reports on the 2020 work focuses and the first employees were delivered to the council. President Xu and Li Fangyong, the other President of the council from AECC, presented the appointment letters to the CPIs recruited by the institute and the school.

In his summary of the meeting, President Li recognized the achievements made by the institute and the school in the past year and expected them to improve university-enterprise collaborative innovation capability and cultivate more high-caliber talents in the field of aero-engine.

President Xu considered the institute and the school as goal-oriented and well-organized platforms for scientific research, technical breakthrough and talent cultivation and expressed Beihang’s commitment to fully supporting their development.

This meeting signified that things went smoothly and normatively for the institute and the school, serving as a key step towards a faster tempo of work.

Reported by Jia Ruzhen
Reviewed by Wang Wenwen
Edited by Jia Aiping
Translated by Li Mingzhu