The 2018 Australasian Intervarsity Debating Championship(Australs)held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia came to an end on July 4th. The Beihang debate team formed by students from an elite English class won the EFL group champion. Li Anqi, a junior from the School of Foreign Languages, was awarded the title of “Best Debater”.

Australs is the highest level of debate competition in Asia and Australia. The debaters are divided into three groups: general group (native speakers of English), ESL group (English as a second language) and EFL group (English as a foreign language), and each team has three debaters. The event was hosted by the University of Malaya this year. Beihang debate team composed of Zhong Jinzuomu, a junior student form School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Li Anqi and Wu Shujie, both juniors from the School of Foreign Languages, participated in this competition for the first time. With solid knowledge accumulation and rich experiences in the contest, they united and cooperated to won the EFL group champion, becoming the only domestic English debate team who was qualified for World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) held in Mexico and Australs in Malaysia and eventually won three trophies (Asian champion, national champion and the north China champion, respectively). The team’s glorious accomplishments added luster to Beihang, as well as Chinese English debate of college students.
Reported by Xu Guohong
Edited by Shi Yue
Translated by Lyu Xingyun