At the National Science and Technology Awards Conference held on January 8, 2018, Beihang University received seven prizes of China’s three highest honors in science and technology.

Seven award winners
A project led by Prof. Xiang Jinwu won a first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and another project led by Prof. Cai Maolin won a second prize of this award. A second prize of the State Natural Science Award went to a project led by Prof. Jiang Chengbao. Four second prizes of the State Technical Invention Award were won by four projects led by Prof. Tao Zhi, Prof. Jiao Zongxia, Prof. Yang Lijun and Prof. Liu Gang, respectively.
Beihang has received 12 first prizes of national science and technology awards since 2004, contributing to China’s social progress with its cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements. This accomplishment has been praised as the “Beihang model” for scientific and technological innovation by Chinese society.
Reported by Kong Xiangming
Edited by Shi Yue and Li Mingzhu
Translated by Li Mingzhu