Breath of Autumn on the Beihang Campus
Release time:November 7, 2018

Autumn is in the air.

Seasons are never blurred in northern China, and neither will them be late.

May you be embraced by the tender autumn wind, reminiscent of your Beihang story.

( Main Building · Xueyuanlu Campus)

Autumn begins when the first leave yellows,

and culminates when the campus turn golden.

( Motto Stone · Shahe Campus )

Autumn greets you with the first sunset

on your way back to dormitory,

whispering gently that it is not your first experience.

( Qiushi Square · Xueyuanlu Campus )

Fallen leaves conclude their missions,

while you are wondering, with an eye to your original heart.

( South Lake · Shahe Campus )

Echoing beside the South Lake is whispers of love

that blush the young face and stir the eager heart.

(New Main Building · Xueyuanlu Campus)

With their age ending, the cicadas quiet down.

Also ending is the year, be it noticed or not.

(Teaching Area · Xueyuanlu Campus)

But that never ends is the pace of autumn wind,

till the grass is coated with Gingko Biloba leaves.

(Green Park · Xueyuanlu Campus)

The autumn will not fade

till the last leave bids farewell to the mother tree.

(Crossroad near the playground · Xueyuanlu Campus)

Would you like to stay

in the autumn scenery more gorgeous than that of spring?

(Beside a student apartment building · Shahe Campus)

Another year of harvests, for Beihang and Beihangers.

Deep or shallow, your footprints on campus are all the way along.

(Beihang Plane near the east gate · Shahe Campus)

Another year of idle sunshine hangs from the swaying branches,

lighting your headway accompanied by the fellows.

(Teaching Area · Xueyuanlu Campus)

Another year of autumn wind envelopes the collars,

looking for you to join the campus scenery when the time comes.

( South Lake · Shahe Campus )

Take care in the coming autumn,

when warmth fades away from Beihang.

( Dazhong Square · Shahe Campus )

Wait till the next autumn that breezes

and brings you here.


Designed by Yang Yanzhuo

Written by Zhang Boyang

Photographed by Sun Yunhang, Zhang Huifeng, Shen Yifan

Translated by Li Siying

Reviewed by geoos

Online Contribution: geoos@buaa.edu.cn
