On the evening of December 11, the final of the 6th Beihang Campus Psychodrama, hosted by Positive Psychological Experience Center of Beihang University and co-organized by College Students' Psychological Association, was held at Yongman Theatre on Shahe Campus.
Prof. Lei Xiuya from Beijing Forestry University, Director Liu Hui from Student Counseling and Mental Health Center of Peking University, Director Zhang Ping from Psychological Counseling Center of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Zhang Jiming from Mental Health Education and Counseling Center of Beijing Normal University, Deputy Director Fang Danmin from QIAN XIAN magazine, and Li Shengqiang from Psychological Study and Service Center of the University of International Relations were invited as judges. Teachers from the Department of Student Affairs, Labor Union, and various colleges and schools of Beihang University, as well as representatives from psychological associations of other universities, were also invited to watch the performance.

After procedures of planning, publicity, training and trials, a total of six teams entered the final of the compitition with their plays illustrating what psychological motivations are behind college students reacting to daily life. These dramas enabled students to have a deep thought on self-identification, social phobia, metamorphosis, and interpersonal relationships.
The paly “Xiao Kai is Sleeping” (Wo De Xiao Kai Zai Shui Jiao), urging the audience to face the past trauma bravely instead of escaping it, nabbed the first prize. “Tag” (Biao Qian), as a mime and “Clown is not Clownish” (Xiao Chou Bu Chou), which both stressed the importance of self-identification and how to face social phobia, won the second prize. The play “Hello, Mr. Mean” (Ni Hao, Zhong Jian Xian Sheng), which implied that we are ordinary people but not mediocrity, “Approaching” (Kao Jin), which told us that 100 percent perfect sometimes is imperfect, and “Mind Reading” (Du Xin Shu), which taught that the appropriate distance is necessary for dealing with interpersonal relationships, won the third prize.

The competition was impressive with excellent performance and affecting speech, which drew loud applause from the audience.
Since the launch of the “Campus Psychodrama Project” in 2016, the competition has been held for six consecutive years with nearly 80 dramas performed on the stage and some have won the first prize in municipal competitions in Beijing. Psychodrama is a special representation of Beihang’s “Mental Health Education”, which aims at publicizing psychological knowledge and emphasizing the importance of mental health through combining drama with psychology. Three original psychological drama by Beihang teachers and students, including “Redemption on the Edge” (Bian Yuan Jiu Shu), “Chilled Smile” (Leng Que De Wei Xiao) and “Beyond Anxiety” (Chao Yue Jiao Lv), have won wide recognition.

Reported by Wang Zhen
Reviewed by Song Xiaodong
Edited by Jia Aiping
Translated by Li Yifan