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Beihang Holds Opening Ceremony for 2022 Fresh Students
Release time:September 13, 2022 / Wen Li

At 8 a. m., September 10, the opening ceremony for 2022 fresh students was simultaneously held at both Xueyuan Road Campus and Shahe Campus, marking the new journey of these students at Beihang University.

Among attendees were Beihang Party Committee Secretary Zhao Changlu, President Wang Yunpeng, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary He Xinzhou, Vice Presidents Tao Zhi, Liu Shuchun, Zhang Hailan and Zhang Guang, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee Cheng Bo, Vice President Lyu Weifeng, and Alumni Representative Cen Zheng. The ceremony was hosted by Cheng Bo.

After all the participating students and staff watched a video titled “The Power of Moving Forward”, the ceremony officially kicked off in the solemn national anthem.

At the ceremony, Zhao Changlu presented the university badges to freshmen representatives. All the 2022 fresh students wore their badges on their clothes.

On behalf of all faculty members and students at Beihang, President Wang Yunpeng extended a warm welcome to more than 10,000 fresh students from all over the country. Wang Yunpeng said that 2022 is an extraordinary year as all Beihangers are about to welcome the 20th National Congress of the CPC and also the 70th anniversary of Beihang University. Over the past 70 years, generations of Beihang students and teachers have inherited the “red gene”, trained first-class talent and made remarkable contributions in the course of building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. “We always stick to patriotism unswervingly, dare to be the first, strive together, and be practical,” said Wang Yunpeng.

President Wang encouraged all the students to remain true to their original aspiration and dedicate themselves to serving the country. Students are expected to improve practical skills and strengthen their ability to innovate in the purpose of shouldering the great task of national rejuvenation. Moreover, they should be positive and resilient, learning lessons from difficulties and setbacks. President Wang noted in his speech that striving and action are of vital importance to youth, so he hoped that all Beihang students would seize the day and live it to the fullest.

Lyu Weifeng read out the prize winners of the 2022 Scholarship for New Graduate Students. The honorary certificates were presented to the winners on stage by leaders.

Parasati Kinnes, a 2022 freshman from the Shijia College delievered a speech as an undergraduate representative. The story between him and Beihang began with the postgraduates voluntary teaching corps. He shared his 8-year engagement with Beihang University and expressed his determination to serve the West region and to devote himself to China’s aviation development.

As a representative of the new postgraduates, Zhao Junbo from the National Elite Engineering School and the Institute of Artificial Intelligence conveyed his resolution to devote himself to the nation by fulfilling his mission.

Zhang Yue, a Ph.D student from the School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, shared her experience at Beihang. She appealed all the students to be innovative, kind and inherit the Beihang spirit.

Professor Wang Jinliang from the School of Physics spoke as a representative of teachers. He encouraged students to be determined, innovative and active in chasing knowledge and truth, hoping they use their wisdom, passion, diligence and courage to realize the value of life.

At the ceremony, the university leaders presented letters of appointment to counselor representatives. As friends and great mentors to students, the counselors will accompany students to spend the next few years together.

Cen Zheng, the general director of Long March 3A and Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle, who went to the School of Energy and Power Engineering as a freshman in 1982 and then went to the School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering as a new graduate in 1986, addressed a speech as an alumni representative. He recalled that the friendship, knowledge and campus life gained in Beihang are unforgettable. He also shared some insights with the students in regards to his own 30-year experience in aerospace fields, inspiring students to be innovative, responsible and willing to pass on the great spirit. Students are expected to learn skills and abilities in Beihang and thus make contributions to building the motherland into a modern powerful socialist country.

The opening ceremony came to an end with all the faculty members and students chorusing the university anthem “Looking up to the Starry Sky”.

Reported by Wang Qing and Li Siyao

Photographed by Di Bailu, Tian Wenhao, Qin Yuhang, et al.

Reviewed by Li Jianwei

Edited by Jia Aiping

Translated by Wen Li

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