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Vice President Zhao Weisheng Leads Delegation to Spain and France
Release time:May 10, 2024 / Han Xu

Beihang Vice President Zhao Weisheng led a delegation to Spain and France for a working visit to expand cooperation with Europe from April 30 to May 6. They visited several partner universities of Beihang University, including Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), University of Seville, Higher School of Aeronautics and Automotive Engineering (ESTACA), and Higher Institute of Electronics of Paris (ISEP). They also met with prominent French experts and scholars such as Albert FERT, Director of Beihang Fert Beijing Institute, Gérard CREUZET, Co-Chairman of the Beihang China-Europe Cooperation Committee, as well as the Chinese Ambassador to Spain, and exchanged views with Beihang students studying in Spain. Representatives from the International Relations Department, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, and School of Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering accompanied the delegation on the trip.

At UPM, Zhao Weisheng and the delegation met with Julio LAGE, Chairman of the Social Council, and Luis RICOTE, Vice President of Foreign Affairs. The two sides signed a letter of intent for strategic cooperation and held in-depth discussions on expanding dual-degree programs and enhancing intercollegiate cooperation.

Signing of letter of intent for strategic cooperation with Luis RICOTE

During the visit to UPM, the delegation also held discussions with experts from the School of Computer Science and the School of Industrial Engineering.

Photo with experts from UPM

At UCM, the delegation met with Asunción PLEITE, Academic Project Manager of the Asian Affairs Center, to discuss topics such as establishing intercollegiate partnerships and enhancing student and faculty exchanges.

Photo with representatives from UCM

At UPC, the delegation met with Lourdes REIG, Vice President of Foreign Affairs, and had in-depth exchanges with experts from six schools in the fields of engineering and information and communication technology. They reached multiple agreements on dual-degree programs, student exchanges, summer programs, and faculty research cooperation.

Photo with Lourdes REIG, Vice President of International Affairs of UPC

During the visit to UPC, the delegation toured the computer teaching laboratory, micro-nanotechnology laboratory, and nanosatellite laboratory.

Visiting the computer teaching laboratory at UPC

At the University of Seville, the delegation met with Miguel Ángel CASTRO, President of the University of Seville, José M. de la ROSA, Director of the International Office and IEEE Fellow, and Ángel Luis TRIGO, Director of the International Strategic Office. They held discussions on establishing dual-degree programs and expanding research cooperation among professors, reaching important agreements.

Photo with Miguel Ángel CASTRO, President of the University of Seville

During their visit to the University of Seville, the delegation also visited the Microelectronics Research Institute and the Higher Technical School of Engineering.

Visiting the Microelectronics Research Institute at the University of Seville

At ESTACA, Zhao Weisheng and his delegation met with Jean-Michel DUREPAIRE, President of ESTACA, and Henna MERTANEN, Head of International Affairs, among others. They subsequently held in-depth discussions on launching joint doctoral training programs, research cooperation, and student innovation competitions, and reached multiple agreements.

Meeting with Jean-Michel DUREPAIRE, President of ESTACA

Presenting a painting scroll of Beihang University to ESTACA

At ISEP, Zhao Weisheng and the delegation met with Aline AUBERTIN, President of ISEP, and Maria TROCAN, Vice Chair of IEEE France, among others. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding for intercollegiate cooperation, officially establishing a partnership. They then had practical discussions on establishing university-level student exchange programs and conducting cooperation in the field of digital electronics.

Signing of Intercollegiate Cooperation Memorandum with ISEP President Aline AUBERTIN

During their tour in France, Zhao Weisheng and the delegation also visited Albert FERT, the Nobel Laureate in Physics and Director of Beihang Fert Beijing Institute, Academician Gérard CREUZET, Co-Chairman of the Beihang China-Europe Cooperation Committee, and Gilles FLEURY, Member of the Beihang China-Europe Cooperation Committee and General Representative of Groupe des Ecoles Centrales, among other renowned French experts and scholars, to further develop and deepen cooperation between Beihang and France in the new era.

While in Spain, Zhao and the delegation visited the Chinese Embassy in Spain and met with Ambassador Yao Jing. Both sides expressed their commitment to further expanding exchanges and cooperation between Beihang University and Spanish universities, leveraging Beihang's Hangzhou International Campus to promote innovation in Sino-Spanish scientific and educational cooperation.

Photo with Yao Jing, Chinese Ambassador to Spain

Zhao Weisheng and his delegation also visited Beihang students studying in Spain, thoroughly understanding their study and life situations abroad, as well as their opinions and suggestions on dual-degree programs, student exchanges, and exchange projects.

Discussion with Beihang students studying in Spain

This visit deepened and continued the implementation of Beihang University’s UPS international development strategy under the new situation, restructured the blueprint for international cooperation, and actively expanded international partnerships. It further consolidated and expanded the partnership between Beihang University and top universities in Spain and France, achieving fruitful results in promoting and deepening the construction of intercollegiate cooperation networks, the development of the Hangzhou International Campus, and the construction of dual-degree programs.

Written by: Fan Hang

Reviewed by: Weng Jingnong

Edited by: Jia Aiping

Translated by: Han Xu

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